Enrollment Information
- First semester enrollment is open and capacity is limited to 1,650 students. Once the capacity is met, students who complete all enrollment tasks will be placed on a waiting list and released to enroll on a first come, first served basis.
- View the latest enrollment updates.
Video: The Connections Academy Enrollment Process
Enrollment Process
Connections Academy Enrollment Process
Learn about the steps of the Connections Academy enrollment process.
View the Latest Deadline Updates
2025-26 Enrollment Information
- Per state law, the school has an enrollment limit of 1650 students.
- If the number of applications accepted exceeds the capacity limit, we will use a lottery-style drawing to select students for enrollment on 3/7/2025.
- To be eligible for the lottery, please start registration and follow the steps to create an application.
- If the school does not exceed its enrollment limit, no lottery is required. You will then be able to continue enrolling your student.
Start Your Family’s Learning Journey
Get ready to enroll in online school at Coastal Connections Academy, serving grades K–5. Typically, the enrollment process takes just a few weeks to complete. But spots fill up quickly, so make sure you start as soon as you can. Here's how to get started:
Understand Your Commitment
Check Eligibility
To attend Florida's Coastal Connections Academy, you must meet certain program and state requirements determined by Florida state laws. Prior to enrollment, review the eligibility requirements closely to be sure your student is eligible to take part in our program for grades K–5. Once your enrollment is confirmed, please immediately withdraw your student from their previous publicly-funded school. Students cannot be simultaneously enrolled in two public schools.
Note: Coastal Connections Academy does not accept students who are currently expelled from their local school or district. Students who are currently suspended from their local school or district may not be eligible to enroll.
View Coastal Connections Academy's Enrollment and Lottery Policy
Prepare Documents
Please have the following documents available when you are ready to begin the enrollment process.
Child's Proof of Age
Child's Proof of Age
Child's Proof of Age
A copy of one of the following must be provided for each child in order to verify age eligibility:
- Official birth certificate
- Passport
- Baptismal papers
To help avoid delays, be sure to submit a copy of one of these official documents with all other enrollment paperwork. If you do not have access to any of these documents, please contact the enrollment team at 1-833-591-0251 to learn about possible alternatives.
Not Sure Where to Get That?
- Copies of your child’s birth certificate can be obtained from your local county health department, or by ordering it online through Florida’s Public Health Department certificate.
- Visit the CDC’s Where to Write for Vital Records Web page to find information on obtaining documentation for a child born in another state. Be sure to follow the CDC’s Application Guidelines.
- For questions about your U.S. passport, visit the U.S. Department of State FAQs page.
As a reminder, the age eligibility is as follows:
- Kindergarten: Students enrolling in the kindergarten program must be five (5) years old on or before September 1 of the year in which they are enrolling.
- First Grade: Students enrolling in first grade should be six (6) years old on or before September 1 of the year in which they are enrolling.
Proof of Residence
Proof of Residence
Proof of Residence
For students to be eligible for enrollment at Coastal Connections Academy, the Florida State Department of Education requires them to reside within the state and provide ONE acceptable proof of residency. There are several options that can serve as proof of residency, as noted below.
Not Sure What is Accepted as Proof?
- Gas, electric, or sewage bill with your name and service address dated within the past 60 days
- Mortgage statement dated within the last 60 days or an annual lease agreement form
- Current property tax statement
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Public school students are required to present the Florida Certification of Immunization, Form DH 680, or “Blue Card,” as proof of immunization. The "Blue Card" (Form DH 680), must be used to document the immunizations required for entry and attendance in Florida schools.
These forms are not available to the public and must be completed by a Florida physician or a Florida county health department. If you do not have a copy of this form, you can submit your immunization record to your health care provider or county health department to have your child's immunization history transferred to the DH 680 form.
If you are a Florida resident and your student has received immunizations in Florida, you can retrieve your child's DH 680 record, which contains the immunizations needed to attend Florida schools, through Florida SHOTS™ (State Health Online Tracking System) Florida's statewide, computerized immunization registry. Review the FAQs on the Florida Department of Health website for instructions to access and print a copy of your child's DH 680 records.
If you are moving to Florida it is recommended that parents/guardians obtain a copy of the student's complete immunization history before leaving the current state of residence. The county health department that serves the area where the child will be residing will need this information.
Not Sure What Immunizations Are Required?
For a complete listing of immunizations required by the Florida Department of Health, view the "Immunization Requirements" webpage.
Where Can I Get Immunizations for My Student?
Immunizations can be obtained from doctor’s offices, clinics, or hospitals. Pediatricians and family doctors or their nurses or medical assistants can give your student the shots they need to meet the requirements for school enrollment. In addition, some large chain pharmacies offer immunizations for older children and adults.
Contact your county health department to find the clinic location closest to the child's home or for additional information. To find a local clinic in Florida, please view the "Site Services" webpage developed by the Florida Department of Health.
What if I Need Assistance Paying for Vaccines?
If you need assistance paying for shots/vaccinations, you may be able to get free or reduced immunizations through this program:
- Vaccines for Children (VFC) program is a federally funded program that provides vaccines at no cost to children who might not otherwise be vaccinated because of inability to pay. Children who are eligible for VFC vaccines are entitled to receive pediatric vaccines that are recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
Immunization Exemptions
A student may be exempt from immunizations for medical reasons or religious beliefs. Students claiming a medical or religious exemption must submit an official Florida exemption form. More information on exemptions and their requirements is outlined below:
- Medical Exemption: A Permanent Medical Exemption, documented on the Form DH 680, can be granted if a child cannot be fully immunized due to medical reasons. In this case, the child's physician must state in writing, the reasons for exemption based on valid clinical reasoning or evidence. A request for a medical exemption from immunization requirements must be presented to the facility/school on the Department of Health’s Permanent Medical Exemption From Immunization form (DH 680 Form).
- Religious Beliefs: An exemption many be issued if immunizations are in conflict with the religious tenets and practices of the child's parent or guardian. This exemption is issued by a County Health Department (CHD) and based on established religious beliefs or practices only. A request for a religious exemption from immunization requirements must be presented to the facility/school on the Department of Health’s Religious Exemption From Immunization form (DH 681 Form).
- Temporary Medical Exemption: A Temporary Medical Exemption (TME), documented on the Form DH 680, Florida Certification of Immunization, may be granted for those who are in the process of completing any necessary immunizations. The TME requires an expiration date after which the exemption is no longer valid, and the immunizations must be completed before or at that time.
Health Examinations
Students who are making their initial entry or transferring into a Florida school must present a record of a physical examination completed within the past 12 months. Although a specific form is not required, it is recommended that Florida's standardized School Entry Exam form (DH 3040) be used to document completion of a physical examination. It must be completed by a health care provider licensed to perform physical examinations. For students transferring to a Florida school from out of state, a comparable form from another state would be acceptable, if completed within one (1) year.
Prior Academic Records
Child’s Proof of Immunization
Prior Academic Records
Students across Florida in grades K-5 are eligible to enroll in Coastal Connections Academy. Those who have previously attended public school, private school, or homeschool will be required to submit academic records for placement.
Report Card
For students applying for grades K–5: Please submit a copy of the report card from the most recent school year.
The following items should be included on the report card:
- Student Name
- Grade Level
- School Year (example: 2024–25)
- School Name
- Grading Scale (example: 90–100%=A)
Not Sure How to Get Your Child’s Report Card?
- Contact your student's previous school and request the document, providing them with the information outlined above, OR contact your school's district office with the request.
If after attempting these steps you still cannot obtain your student's report card, please contact the academic placement services team at 1-833-591-0251 to discuss acceptable alternatives.
Have Your Child(ren) Been Formerly Homeschooled?
- Prior Academic History Form
For homeschooled students in grades K–5: Complete the Prior Academic History Form indicating what courses were completed through a homeschool curriculum. This form will be available to you in the Enrollment Portal.
Other Documents for Special Circumstances
Proof of Residence
Other Documents for Special Circumstances
You may need to provide additional documentation if any of the following circumstances apply:
- Custody order: If your legal guardianship is determined by a court order, please submit a copy of the order.
- State Test Scores: Students entering grade 4 are asked to submit a copy of the student's grade 3 Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) results, including English language arts scores.
Get Started
Join the Connections Academy community and help your child go further in school and in their life ahead.
Give Us a Call
If you have any concerns or questions about how to enroll, our enrollment team is here to help.
Please call us at 1-833-591-0251.
Coastal Connections Academy admits students and conducts all educational programs, activities, and employment practices without discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, sexual orientation, disability, or any other legally protected classification.
Enrollment Support Hours:
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. ET